Special Title Commands

Title matches: /\*(?:(\d+)d)?(\d+)?:(\d+)?(?::(\d+))?(?:\.(\d+))?\*/

Sets the amount of time necessary for a box to become highlighted. Goes like DAYSdHOURS:MINS:SECS.MILSEC. Only the ":" between hours and minutes are necessary.

Title is exactly (case sensitive): "Default"

If no boxes are currently highlighted, this box is the box that will be selected for Greater Box

Title contains (case insensitive): "*COPY*"

Copies all of the box's information and converts it into JSON.

Title contains (case insensitive): "*PASTE*" or Title is exactly ".p"

Takes JSON from the data field and puts all its information into the box.

Title is exactly (case sensitive): "*NIL*" or "NIL" or "*NULL*" or "NULL"

Treats the title as if it was "" when updating

Title is exactly (case sensitive): "*CLEAR*" or "CLEAR" or "*RESET*" or "RESET"

Sets all the box's to its default, all values become ""

Title contains (case insensitive): *PAUSE*

This box will not be updated

Data Line Commands

Data Line contains, anywhere on the line (case sensitive): "*Infinity*"

This line's date will be equivalent to this site's Maximum Calculatetable Date, one milliseconds less than 31 days, measured when the page first starts.

Data Line contains, anywhere on the line (case sensitive): "*-Infinity*"

This line's date will be equivalent to the Minimum ECMA-262 Date, -100,000,000 days relative to midnight January 1, 1970 UTC (ECMAScript epoch or UNIX epoch).

Use "//" and "/* */" for comments

Comments should be the same as normal javascript comments

Data Line matches, anywhere in data (case sensitive): /\*now(([+-])(\d+)([smhd]))?\*/

Is automaticaly replaced with a date relative to the current date. For example "*now*" = current date, "*now+5s*" = current date + 5 seconds

Data Line's first match, (case sensitive): /\*dis(?:play)? ?\((.*?)\)\*/

Defines exactly what a line's next up data will be

Data Line's first match, (case sensitive): /\*not(?:ification)? ?\((.*?)\)\*/

Defines exactly what a line's notification will be. Notifications for this line/box will be automaticaly enabled

Data Line's first match, (case sensitive): /\*notC(?:lick)? ?\((.*?)\)\*/

Defines exactly what will happen when line's notification will be clicked as js function text. The listener's first parameter is always 'ev'. Notifications for this line/box must be enabled

Data Line's first match, (case sensitive): /\*notO(?:pen)? ?\((.*?)\)\*/

Defines exactly what url will open when line's notification will be clicked. Escape '/' with '\/'. Notifications for this line/box must be enabled

Data Line & TitleCommands

Data Line contains, anywhere on the line or Title contains(case insensitive): "*ALARM*"

An alarm will play after this date elapses

Data Line matches, anywhere on the line or Title matches(case sensitive): /*(h-dow|sh3-dow|h-date|h-d)*/

Data Line contains, anywhere on the line or Title matches(case insensitive): /\*(NOTIFY|NOTIFICATION)\*/i

Enables notifications for this line/box. Unless defined otherwise, it is equivalent to next up text